Users Feedback – Power Wheelchairs | KARMA Medical A Better Wheelchair, A Better Fit! Wed, 26 Mar 2025 05:37:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Users Feedback – Power Wheelchairs | KARMA Medical 32 32 【Ergo Stand】 Accept yourself courageously and look forward to the future Thu, 23 Mar 2023 06:29:00 +0000 My name is Yanquan Wu, which sounds like a Taiwanese sausage (ian-tshiâng) and is easy to remember. I was an ordinary, introverted, family-oriented man with hobbies like planting flowers, raising birds, and fishing. However, I had to give up these hobbies due to physical limitations. I didn’t believe studying hard was very important when I [...]

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My name is Yanquan Wu, which sounds like a Taiwanese sausage (ian-tshiâng) and is easy to remember.

I was an ordinary, introverted, family-oriented man with hobbies like planting flowers, raising birds, and fishing. However, I had to give up these hobbies due to physical limitations.

I didn’t believe studying hard was very important when I was younger, then I became an apprentice and worked on assembling steel frames. Unfortunately, accidents occurred during my work.

One day, while working at a construction site, I climbed to the third floor. I had taken my usual safety measures but didn’t realize that the safety hook had become unhooked. As a result, I fell from the third floor, and everything went blank.

After arriving at the hospital in a coma, I woke up the next day and couldn’t feel my lower limbs, as if they were gone.

The doctor informed me that I have T9-T11 spinal cord injuries and may be paralyzed for the rest of my life. I will be bedridden for the remainder of my life.

My initial thoughts were:  Why me? What should I do next? The following week, I was completely immobile and didn’t eat. I was immersed in negative emotions and could not accept the accident, and I was always in great physical pain.

With time, my wife and my friends kept me company. My daughter was still young and needed me. After approximately three months, I gradually came to terms with my situation. I began to cheer up and learned to face my challenges.

My philosophy is to “let it be” and accept what has happened. We should focus on the future instead of dwelling on the past. Our only option is to take our current situation and live life fully.

When the accident happened, he was in pain, and I also experienced some discomfort, albeit to a lesser degree. My daughter and I are both very supportive. We tried to be understanding and encouraged him.

We are glad he can live with joy, no longer in much physical pain.

After recovering, I went to the hospital for treatment. When I saw other patients in the rehabilitation room, I realized how fortunate I was. I can move from the waist up, which is a blessing compared to completely paralyzed people. I felt happy and grateful. If they can still do rehabilitation despite being completely paralyzed, why can’t I try it too?

Apart from receiving rehabilitation treatment at the hospital, a therapist is coming to my home to teach me simple exercises like pulling elastic ropes and standing. I used a Gaiter and stood at a right angle when practicing standing.

When using the Gaiter for rehabilitation, I would feel tired after standing for a short time, and my feet would start to bend. Then, my coach (my wife) would urge me to stand straight by staring at me. The duration of my standing practice gradually increased from 30 to 40, 50 minutes, and eventually to 1 hour, which was the limit. My wife had to tie the Gaiter for me daily, a complex and laborious task.

Later, my family nurse noticed that I was standing crookedly and was concerned that the rehabilitation effect would not be significant. As a solution, he recommended Karma’s standing wheelchair Ergo Stand.

KARMA’s Ergo Stand enabled me to stand up and release the tension on my feet, significantly reducing the discomfort and pain caused by cramps. Additionally, I no longer required previous assistive devices, saving me much time and effort. This new standing wheelchair has also benefited my rehabilitation, as I can now stand upright.

Also, I don’t have to worry about having enough strength to push the wheelchair after using my “Ergo Stand” because it’s an electric wheelchair. With simple operations, I can drive the wheelchair for a walk at any time.

With the “Ergo Stand“, he can carry things alone without our help and ease our workload. Sometimes, he goes to the market alone to buy something, and I don’t have to worry too much or push him around like before; it also allows me to attend to my affairs.

On the birthday of my discharge from the hospital, my daughter surprised me by buying a sponge cake. At first, I was disappointed by the cake’s appearance and thought, “Why did they get such a simple cake for my birthday?”

However, I was overjoyed when I discovered that my daughter and wife had hidden a surprise inside for me to pull out. The more I pulled, the happier I became. I felt grateful for their thoughtfulness.

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Jack and Aaron | #KarmaPossible Fri, 16 Sep 2022 08:25:55 +0000 Jack and Aaron are brothers, both KARMA wheelchair users, they share with us the importance of their relationship, their jobs, their hobbies, and their life. Jack: Being disabled makes you learn a lot because you see the world differently to somebody else; because our conditions life limiting you want to do everything that you can [...]

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Jack and Aaron are brothers, both KARMA wheelchair users, they share with us the importance of their relationship, their jobs, their hobbies, and their life.

Jack: Being disabled makes you learn a lot because you see the world differently to somebody else; because our conditions life limiting you want to do everything that you can do, that you can still try and live a normal life.

Jack: My name’s Jack I’m 22 and I’m from Birmingham.
Aaron: My name’s Aaron I’m 24 years old and we’re brothers, we’re like conjoined twins we’re not.
Jack: Never apart.
Aaron: It gets on my nerves a bit.
Jack: Aaron thinks he’s the comedian.
Aaron: I’m the funny one, that’s all.
If you’re not feeling good like at least we’ve got one another there to reassure each other. It’s just good to have somebody else to talk to and hit me.

Jack: I’m a Cat technician and I work in the roads department.
Aaron: I’m a Cat technician too but in- for a different department that’s for bridges and structures. I think I’m quite shy but once I get to know people I’m all right.
Jack: I’d describe myself as chatty.
Aaron: He’s got a loud one, we call him chatty man.
Jack: Try not to be negative.
We would rather be positive people. I don’t like negative energy. I’ve got a good sense of humor, motivated.

Jack: My hobbies are playing computer games, wheelchair football. I think about chair preparations thinking before you even touch the ball that would be two steps ahead you know thinking, that’s my next run gonna be and you have to think about pace or things like that.
Aaron: No time to ball much really.
Jack: West Bromwich Albion Powerchairs, that’s the name of our team.
Aaron: Get your mind going and keep your mind off what’s going on the outside.
Jack: It gives you a purpose like you know you’re there for one reason and you know it’s to try and win games.
My football wheelchair is used purposely just for football, not made for comfort but for sport. It’s like driving a tin can.

Jack: I definitely prefer the KARMA. So, my Karma wheelchair is used for everyday life, it’s like the Rolls.
Aaron: Royce of wheelchairs, it’s a part of you basically, it’s my legs.
Jack: Sometimes when you feel like you’re asking for too much, makes you feel like a burden but I think having this independence gives me the freedom to do what I want to do, have to just think about the things you can do not worry about things you can’t do.
Because everything’s possible if you put your mind to it.

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Eboni | #KarmaPossible Fri, 16 Sep 2022 07:22:11 +0000 My name is Eboni. I think the night I gained my confidence was at my prom. I have a Karma chair, it went to prom with me and I just felt so beautiful and free like birds kind of thing. I’m studying Sociology and English a-levels. I like learning about people and understanding how they [...]

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My name is Eboni. I think the night I gained my confidence was at my prom. I have a Karma chair, it went to prom with me and I just felt so beautiful and free like birds kind of thing.

I’m studying Sociology and English a-levels. I like learning about people and understanding how they work. It feels really good, it’s mine and it’s what I can do no one else can do it for me.

I never had a social life before I had this chair. I was suffering from depression and was on the very edge. I never felt like I had a future and but this chair felt like it’s given me a long happy future and changed the outlook of life.

My relationship with my mum, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is like my best friend, very strong and brave, that’s mainly where I get it from. She’s very compassionate and just very kind and caring. As long as I have my mum, I’m complete.

I want to go to university and do mental health nursing at Cambridge. I’m really looking forward to it because I can finally be myself and age doesn’t matter. I’m drawn to helping others mentally and learning different ways because mental health is so different and it’s just really unique.

When I did GCSE’s I was in hospital for most of it because I put so much stress on myself, so it is going to take a lot from me but I know I can 100% do it.

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Martyn Sibley | #KarmaPossible Fri, 16 Sep 2022 06:51:15 +0000 I’m Martyn Sibley, I am the co-founder of Purple Goat Agency and generally an inclusion activist.  An inclusion activist for me is just generally educating the world on how to be more accessible and inclusive for disabled people and also empowering disabled people to go and grab their best life as well. So I landed [...]

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I’m Martyn Sibley, I am the co-founder of Purple Goat Agency and generally an inclusion activist.  An inclusion activist for me is just generally educating the world on how to be more accessible and inclusive for disabled people and also empowering disabled people to go and grab their best life as well. So I landed in my spacecraft from Mars about 20 years ago.

The solution to the perception problem is representation, so when we have disabled people in TV, films, marketing, but also teachers, lawyers, doctors etc. That’s when those stereotypes are broken down, and social media has been a game changer because disabled people have had a voice and can curate the conversation more for ourselves which has been phenomenal to see.

I suppose my story does start around having a disability growing up with SMA definitely molded parts of my experience of the world. And bringing that up into university was a really big leap for me. I did economics and a master’s in marketing there.

Then, after that, my first job was a charity called Scope where I did five years that really I suppose gave me a  grounding in disability inclusion and disability rights, and set me up for what’s been about a decade now of working at the intersection of inclusion entrepreneurship and social media.

I’m disabled I’ve had a wheelchair since I was about three years old. It’s fair to say the world hasn’t been designed by a wheelchair user. There are a lot of barriers to getting onto transport and buildings. Another barrier is from the perception and the attitudes of people, and another barrier is around organizational policies.

Thus, I’ll still be Martyn who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy, but I’ll also be Martyn that can get in buildings people don’t judge me because I’m in a wheelchair and there’s no policies holding me back.

I think on a really basic level my wheelchair is my legs, it’s how I get around physically. I got my Karma chair around three years ago, and so I was shown that the Karma had the EVO Lectus. It looked amazing, had features and functions that I had not really seen before, and ultimately decided that was going to be the next chair for me.

I suppose in other ways it just enables me to be a good fiancée to help look after our dog, Sunny. To travel the world which I’ve  done a lot of, and thoroughly enjoyed and to do all of my work and my advocacy work.

I remember when I was three years old, and I got my first power wheelchair that feeling of liberation, freedom and independence was really powerful and that still remains today.

When I was growing up there wasn’t a whole lot of disabled role models. For me, role models are vital, not as an unattainable role model but an example of what everyday life and living very attainable dreams can look like.

Thus, I started blogging because I wanted to be that outlook that I didn’t have when I was in my teen years, so even today I’m very motivated and driven to know that I am inspiring the next generation of disabled people.

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Johnathon | #KarmaPossible Thu, 15 Sep 2022 04:31:18 +0000 I am Johnathon. I’ve always had a passion for animals. Before then I’d only ever seen animals in zoos, I want to see that every day. It sounds weird, but they just talk to me. I’m not Dr. Dolittle or anyone like that but it’s just something about animals. I want to work in conservation, [...]

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I am Johnathon. I’ve always had a passion for animals. Before then I’d only ever seen animals in zoos, I want to see that every day. It sounds weird, but they just talk to me. I’m not Dr. Dolittle or anyone like that but it’s just something about animals. I want to work in conservation, to have a positive impact on the environment and the animals, and also to inspire others to be passionate like I am.

I was on a guided tour. We went through the gate, and the first thing we saw right near the gate was a group of lions, I was like okay I’ve seen a lion now.
Like what else can we see? Just to the camp which was about an hour drive we saw elephants.

So, I was held quite far back. I never thought I’d be smart enough to go to university. But I didn’t bother. Later on in life, I wanted to do something. I thought I’d go into veterinary nursing and they told me that they weren’t sure how my limitations would enable me to do the job, and actually suggested the program, or the course that I took part in.

Throughout my course, I did visit South Africa and I knew that’s where I wanted to be! So when I finished my degree, I knew that I wanted to focus more on conservation projects. I’ve found what I want to do.

I didn’t overly enjoy my schooling years just because mentally I’m able to do like academic work like everyone else. But the school that I was sent to was more aimed I think with people like sensory needs, and people with learning needs that weren’t able to learn at the level that I was able to.

Without my wheelchair, I can pretty much say I wouldn’t have done anything that I’ve wanted to do. It’s great that I can go anywhere I want in the chair! I love the fact that I can turn in small spaces. My Karma chair enables me to go on all kinds of terrain. I’ve been in the bush um on sand, on dirt, muddy weather…

I’m a massive Norwich City fan. I think I’ve been a Norwich fan since I was a child. I’ve been a season ticket holder now for about five-six years.

Whether it’s right for me or not, I push myself forward; I’m determined; I don’t like to be told I can’t do something(which I don’t know if it’s a positive or not).

I like to help other people like myself. I know I can do these things and when I see people they’re like “oh I can’t do this because I’m in a wheelchair or because of my disability”, I’m like you can do that. I’ve done it myself even
if I haven’t done something myself and I’m able to enable somebody else to do that, or at least point them in the right direction or offer them advice I’d always do that I think.

At the moment, I’ve just been doing my course with Bushwise which is a South African company to qualify to become a field guide where I’ll be licensed to take safaris and bushwalks myself, and enable people to experience the wildlife in South Africa,. You know, I’ve always experienced it.

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【Blazer】It’s not your legs, but your heart that holds you back! Thu, 08 Jul 2021 09:32:48 +0000 Featured Products:

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When I was 2 years old, I was diagnosed with spinal muscular dystrophy. This is a rare genetic and progressive disease that affects walking, eating, and even breathing.

My childhood was miserable because of illness

I was unable to accept my body and complained a lot to my parents. When I first started school, because I looked different from others, it was difficult to get on with everyone. My classmates said that I was a monster and would isolate me and even hit me. I remember one time that I was pushed down the stairs! It was a really difficult childhood and I was swallowed up by an endless inferiority complex.

Using physical strength to learn is more valuable than using it to walk!

When I was 14 years old, my body deteriorated rapidly, and my hands and feet gradually shrank. I would often fall when I walked. After I fell, I didn’t have the strength to stand back up on my own. I needed help from others. Everyday I had to climb up 4 flights of stairs to my classes because there were no elevators. That year was the most broken and painful year of my life. Later, in order to conserve my energy for learning, I started to use an electric wheelchair to travel.

The only thing that can change is myself

Not until I entered high school did I think that instead of expecting others to learn to empathize with me, I might as well start by changing myself. I started to learn to talk with others; I would be brave to speak out when I needed help. Unexpectedly these actions made my school life change for the better. Teachers and classmates were able to empathize and help me because they understood my illness and condition.

I know that I am not perfect, but I have always liked taking pictures since I was a child. I think that many stages of life are worthy of being recorded. In recent years, I have started to experiment with outdoor shooting. Because of the physical aspects of the activity, I was very nervous and unnatural at first, but through the guidance of the photographer and with a lot of experience, I can now confidently show myself in front of the camera.Picture taken from: Shirley’s IG

It’s not your legs but your heart that restricts you

I don’t think I should be restricted by my legs. In fact, I can go to many places in a power wheelchair. I often travel or go shopping to enrich my life. I regard being sick as a gift from God, I no longer view it as something that made me miserable, but instead I live a richer and happier life. In the future, I also hope to be a social worker to help more people and give back to society.

I want everyone to know:Our life may be short, but as long as we are still alive, we must strive to live happily and as our true selves! -Shirley

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【Kameleon】 “My Child Taught Me To Appreciate the Journey of Life” Tue, 23 Feb 2021 06:06:01 +0000 Leo’s Kameleon Pediatric Power Wheelchair Experience The parent-child relationship is a continuous cycle of “love and acceptance.” Especially when there is a family member with a disability, parents and children must overcome unimaginable difficulties and challenges together, but they also grow and nourish each other in the process. Leo is KARMA’s first pediatric power wheelchair, [...]

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Leo’s Kameleon Pediatric Power Wheelchair Experience

The parent-child relationship is a continuous cycle of “love and acceptance.” Especially when there is a family member with a disability, parents and children must overcome unimaginable difficulties and challenges together, but they also grow and nourish each other in the process.

Leo test driving Kameleon, Karma’s most advanced pediatric power wheelchair.

Leo is KARMA’s first pediatric power wheelchair, Kameleon, test driver. First, we would like to thank Leo’s mother for sharing her caregiving journey and her experience of the positive effects that a power wheelchair brought to her child’s life.

Leo has Cerebral Palsy (CP) as a result of premature birth. For this reason, his mother resigned from her job to accompany him to special education school. However, children attending special education schools have different learning abilities. Due to Leo’s limited mobility capability, he found it hard to make friends. He kept asking his mother, “Why can’t I go to an ordinary school?

Leo’s mother dropping him off at school.

Two years later, his mom, determined to help him transfer school found it difficult to find a school to accept him. Either the school refused to accept him, or the teacher didn’t understand his own pace of learning so Leo was unable to keep up with the rest of his peers.

The teacher didn’t give up on me, so I can’t let the teacher down.

Leo was considered by some teachers as a child who could not walk, count, or write, but his mother refused to admit defeat. She started to teach him to pick up pens and draw lines, they practiced continuously every day. Now Leo is in sixth grade and can write and count. It is because he met a good teacher, even if he is a “slow” learner compared to others, the teacher never let him miss a class or gave him special treatment, which motivated Leo; “the teacher didn’t give up on me, so I can’t let her down.”

Leo getting to grips with Kameleon.

“You must accept yourself before expecting others to accept you.”

Most people might think that children with Cerebral Palsy to be very introverted, but Leo’s mothers never wanted him to feel different from others. If someone asks him why he wears steel shoes, his mother taught him to reply, “because I am a Transformer.”

Karma’s OT. Joe Li, showing Leo how to use the power functions of Kameleon

“Instead of struggling to walk, it is better to keep your physical strength for learning.”

When he started the sixth grade, Leo’s parents decided to buy him a power wheelchair, hoping that Leo would start being more independent and not rely on his mother for everything. Although at first they were worried that he would rely too much on the power wheelchair and they would lose all the progress that they made with his walking. Later they found that as Leo grew bigger, his walking ability could no longer satisfy his curiosity to explore the outside world. It became more and more difficult to walk for long stretches of time, so his mother decided to reserve his physical strength for learning and experiencing new things.

In order to allow him to gradually become independent, Leo’s mother began to plan small outing goals. Before going out, they would set goals together, such as to buy the most delicious crepes ever! They would also practice outdoor safety rules, and simulate road conditions. 

Leo can now participate in physical education with his classmates because of his new power wheelchair!

With the new power wheelchair, Leo now can take physical education classes with his classmates. His power wheelchair has also become a topic between him and his classmates. Everyone wants to take turns borrowing his chair. Someone even fell asleep in it!

Leo’s mother, remembering her past few years with Leo said; “I used to be so busy and eager to do a lot of things, only thinking about reaching the destination. Later, because of Leo, I was forced to stop and take care of him, then I discovered that in fact, there are many beautiful moments in life that I didn’t really pay attention to. Although we had many difficulties to overcome, we also experienced and appreciate life differently to others.

Cerebral Palsy Seating Solution on Kameleon Seating System

Therapist Evaluation 

When assessing Leo’s condition, it was found that he had difficulty standing up due to weakness in his feet, and he was accustomed to pushing straight back when he was sitting down because his feet were weak. The seat surface was always half seated. The ability to lean on the back is relatively poor, causing the body to slip forward without support for long periods of time. In addition, his weak upper back caused non-fixed kyphosis, posterior pelvic tilt, and sacral sitting. If it does not improve, there is a great chance it will deteriorate into a fixed deformation in the future. Therefore, the focus of this assessment is to improve his seating position, making sure his back leans against the seatback and that he has proper positioning support.

Kameleon’s seat angle was adjusted according to Leo’s physical condition and sitting habits. Our therapist also taught him how to use tilt function to improve his sitting posture.

– Kameleon’s seat cushion foam is customisable. Through the adjustment of the front end angle of the seat cushion, it helps Leo to use gravity when sitting down so that his hips can be easily reset to the back of the chair and his sitting posture is more natural. In addition, the chair frame itself has a positioning function to prevent body deformation.

– The path to Leo’s home is relatively narrow and there are many turns, so the front-drive chassis of the Kameleon help him move around these small spaces.

– The lifting function has improved Leo’s confidence and independence.

– The Tilt-In-Space function has helped Leo to reduce the pressure on his hips that was causing his hunched back. The Tilt-In-Space helps him to reset his position and move his body back to the seat back let him sit more properly.

Leo & Leo’s mother experience sharing on Kameleon

Caregiver Feedback

Leo loved seeing Kameleon the first time because it looked so good and exciting. Kameleon also feels lighter than the power wheelchair he was using in school. 

Leo has a forward hunchback so the therapist adjusted Kameleon’s cushion to tilt it inward so that Leo’s buttocks will not slide down and he can sit naturally. With the covering and support of the backrest, headrest, chest strap, and pelvic belt, his body and neck can be straightened. Because the footplate is flat, it took a little bit of time to get used to getting on and off.

Leo likes going out very much. He usually goes out shopping with his mother. Now that he has a seat that can lift, it is very convenient for Leo to reach high places when he accompanies his mother to the store. The power storage and battery life of the Kameleon make Leo feel relaxed so he doesn’t worry about running out of power when he is out.

The speed is fast and the chassis is very stable, allowing Leo to enjoy the pleasure of racing around ( with the supervision of his mother of course). Leo also loves the bright colours of Kameleon… the neighbor’s grandmother even said that she wanted to buy one for herself!

After a week, Leo told his mom: “Kameleon can go up the mountains and down to the sea. No matter how uneven the road is, the drive is always so smooth!”

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【Falcon】Being Differently Able instead of Disabled Fri, 29 Mar 2019 06:10:45 +0000 Thank you KARMA, for changing lives for people like me who now think of themselves as Differently Able. Hi, I am Bratati Sen, It’s my privilege that I am writing this story, the story of an ordinary girl who bound to be dependent on childhood and saw the world indifferently. But as time passes, my [...]

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Thank you KARMA, for changing lives for people like me who now think of themselves as Differently Able.

Hi, I am Bratati Sen, It’s my privilege that I am writing this story, the story of an ordinary girl who bound to be dependent on childhood and saw the world indifferently. But as time passes, my thinking and dependence on others have also taken a new route, the route for “Freedom”. And all this happen due to my power wheelchair KP-25.2(Falcon) from KARMA. From the day when I got this chair, gradually it gives a heavy impact on my daily living life.

Nowaday, I used this power wheelchair KP-25.2(Falcon) in my all activities like shopping, gardening and hopping in the market. People are very curious to see how a physically challenged woman drive the wheelchair in the market. And I feel very happy and live my life in colors. All this happened due to KARMA and their very good wheelchair.

Thank you KARMA, for changing lives for people like me who now think of themselves as Differently Able.

♦ Issued by Bratati Sens from India in December. 2018

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【Falcon】My KP-25.2 makes my life independent! Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:12:33 +0000 Thank you, KARMA for enabling my life and making me independent! Would definitely recommend KARMA wheelchairs – manual or motorized – to anyone who wants a quality wheelchair at a reasonable price. Here is a video to show you my happy ride with KP-25.2(Falcon) during the holiday! Check out how I connected with KARMA for [...]

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Thank you, KARMA for enabling my life and making me independent!

I first started using a KARMA manual wheelchair in 2008 and it was very durable, lasting until 2014. I then switched to another brand of a manual wheelchair for four years.

In June of 2018, I received my brand new KARMA KP-25.2(Falcon) motorized wheelchair. However, since the joystick was too far for me to reach (I have short limbs*), I requested KARMA to manufacture a custom bracket to bring the joystick closer to my arm.

Highly satisfied with the product as well as the after-sales service. Within a month, they manufactured it and delivered it to me.

*Photo on the left shows that before the customization, the joystick was too far from my arms so I would have to lean over to reach it during the ride which was bad for me to keep my seat position.

Would definitely recommend KARMA wheelchairs – manual or motorized – to anyone who wants a quality wheelchair at a reasonable price.

Here is a video to show you my happy ride with KP-25.2(Falcon) during the holiday!

Check out how I connected with KARMA for my customization request in Karma Global User Group.

♦ Issued by Mohamed Zimnaan from Sri Lanka, living in Singapore / December. 2018

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【KP-45.3】Racing the garbage truck with my KP-45.3! Mon, 05 Nov 2018 03:31:22 +0000 KARMA’s KP-45.3 is my main mobility aid. Ever since I moved into my new house, my lifestyle became very steady-paced; I am usually out shopping for cuisine, going to my bank, or at the rehabilitation center. To be honest, I took a liking to my new lifestyle. It keeps me busy. However, there is just [...]

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KARMA’s KP-45.3 is my main mobility aid. Ever since I moved into my new house, my lifestyle became very steady-paced; I am usually out shopping for cuisine, going to my bank, or at the rehabilitation center. To be honest, I took a liking to my new lifestyle. It keeps me busy.

However, there is just one thing that bugs me about my new home, taking out the garbage.

The garbage truck comes to our neighborhood every day at 7 PM. By that time, it’s very dark and it’s very hard to see where I’m going. Because of this, I still bring my garbage back to where I used to live. the garbage truck there comes during the day when there is still light out…

Every day around 3 to 4 PM I would get on my KP-45.3 and put a cardboard box on the footplate with my trash inside it. Then, I would put my feet on both sides of the box to make sure nothing falls out. Now I’m set off and wander around until the truck comes.

Whenever the garbage man sees me, never mind if I’m at the station or not, he would always tell his partner to help me dump my garbage into the truck. I would like to heartily thank that driver for lighting up my world.

Yunlin, Taiwan
Mrs. Su
2008 /12

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The post 【KP-45.3】Racing the garbage truck with my KP-45.3! first appeared on KARMA Medical.]]>